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July 23, 2024

words left unspoken go off to scream deep inside us.

- Christian Bobin

It is quite an evocative idea.  The one edit we would make to this sentence is that words left unspoken, because you’re afraid to share them, go off to scream deep inside of us.  

When we think we CAN’T say something,  when we think our choice has been taken from us and we have to shut up, we harbor those unspoken words inside of us and they often eat away at our well-being and health.  

One of the ways we help our clients is by increasing their experience of choice.  It can be deeply damaging when we consider we have lost autonomy and choice.  Think of those moments when you’ve thought, “I can’t say that” or thought that you have to say something that isn’t true for you (for instance apologizing).  These unexpressed feelings tend to fester.  

The solution is not to say everything, but rather to pay attention to those times when you say things like, "I can’t say that” or "I have no choice but to stay quiet.”  At times, of course, It may be prudent for you to not say something.  Knowing that you are choosing not to say something can be the difference between peace and suffering.  More on this to come!

To choosing!

About US


Since 1978 Workability has been helping individuals and organizations integrate who they are with what they do. Our greatest performances, relationships, and contributions are dependent on our authentic expression of who we are.

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