Placing the effort on the right thing

We consider that acceptance of what is, is a required first-step in making sustained change and progress.  If we start from resistance, upset, and avoidance of an issue, our

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Judging our inner world

Listening to a podcast the other day, we heard something interesting that went a little bit like this:  We judge others based on their actions not their intention, and

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Why is anger more motivating than joy?

Have you ever noticed that at times, anger is more motivating than joy?  The other day a friend had a bad experience with a retailer and wanted to give

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Why do we seem to get stuck?

Do you ever wonder why you keep repeating the same behavior over and over, even when you know it doesn’t work well or create the results you want?If

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Do you have an imagination?

Have you ever noticed that things are really never as good as we remember them and usually never as bad as we imagine them?  That’s interesting isn’t it? 

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Is mad easier than sad?

Well, if we look around us, it certainly seems like more people are opting for anger.  In the work that we do, we get to hear our clients talk

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What have you left unsaid

words left unspoken go off to scream deep inside us.- Christian BobinIt is quite an evocative idea.  The one edit we would make to this sentence is that

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What does it take to realize your intention?

Q: What does it take to create happiness, well-being and peace in our lives?  A: The right intention and the right conditions for that intention.  There is an

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Who in your life could use your ears now?

We often think of ourselves as the main character in life.  Everything is revolving around us afterall…We tend to think more about the things that we need to say,

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Are you good at solving your friend’s problems?

Why are we so much better at solving our friend’s problems than our own?  Well, one obvious reason is just that we think we are good at it.  When we offer our

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