Which question do you want to answer?

For many of us, there are questions we loathe being asked.  Whether it’s just in daily life or we’re going to a party at work, a family event, or

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Are your shortcuts limiting you?

Our brains have an amazing ability to quickly work out the easiest way to do something.  That’s why we always see the corners of grass trampled where people

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What is your Greek curse?

We’ve been working on this newsletter for several months now.  Dropping it and then picking it back up again.  There is a really good idea in it, but

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The importance of enrollment

Trying to work with someone that you haven’t enrolled into your idea or endeavor is like trying to put a sock on someone who is fighting you.  We’ve

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That piece of wisdom

What was the greatest piece of wisdom you ever received?  Take a moment and think about it.  The best piece of wisdom you ever received… Got it?  Write

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Don’t mistake control with stability

For stability you need flexibility. Think of a tree that can bend with the wind.  If the tree tried to control the wind by pushing back and standing

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Are you tired of hearing about purpose?

A great way to live a life without purpose is to put a huge amount of pressure on yourself to have purpose.  We hear it a lot, that

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Should we all aspire to be more disciplined?

There’s three camps.  Those who complain that they don’t have any discipline, those that aggrandize themselves for having lots of discipline, and those that never even think about

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What could you learn about yourself by how you hold a baby bird?

Years ago a tennis coach gave me a tip for how to hold a tennis racket.  He said, "pretend that you are holding a baby bird in your

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What are you an example of?

Today’s letter is inspired by a James Baldwin quote,Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.Yikes.  That

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