What does it take to realize your intention?

Q: What does it take to create happiness, well-being and peace in our lives?  A: The right intention and the right conditions for that intention.  There is an

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Are you making the right decision?

We all want to make the right decisions; that’s obvious.  But sometimes the way we approach decisions actually gets in the way.  Case and point, struggling over what

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Are you sabotaging your own promises?

Last week we talked about promises and some of the things that eat away at our ability to produce our intended result.  Typically, the intention behind our promise

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What did you change your mind about this year?

A lot of the focus around New Years is about what you learned this year and what you want to create for next year.  We have a slightly

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Building Courage Muscles

You know those moments when there is something you want to say or a conversation you think needs to be started, something you know in your bones is

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The importance of enrollment

Trying to work with someone that you haven’t enrolled into your idea or endeavor is like trying to put a sock on someone who is fighting you.  We’ve

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Don’t change anything on race day

It is well known in the running community that you never change anything on race-day.  Those new pair of shoes - leave them in the closet.  That new

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What are you training??

As a thought experiment, for the next few moments, consider that your life is like a gym.  Think of all the different equipment in this gym as your

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What is more important making promises or keeping promises?

We're going to say it right up front; this is going to be controversial.  So buckle up and read 'til the end.  The question we have for you today

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