Who in your life could use your ears now?

We often think of ourselves as the main character in life.  Everything is revolving around us afterall…We tend to think more about the things that we need to say,

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Are you good at solving your friend’s problems?

Why are we so much better at solving our friend’s problems than our own?  Well, one obvious reason is just that we think we are good at it.  When we offer our

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The human drop it command!

All dog owners know the importance of the command, “drop it.”  When well-trained, a dog will drop whatever it has in its mouth upon hearing those words.  

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Are you making the right decision?

We all want to make the right decisions; that’s obvious.  But sometimes the way we approach decisions actually gets in the way.  Case and point, struggling over what

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Is looking forward to things good for us?

What if we told you all the time you have been spending looking forward to all the wonderful vacations, holidays, finish lines, and good times is actually helping

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What did you change your mind about this year?

A lot of the focus around New Years is about what you learned this year and what you want to create for next year.  We have a slightly

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Objects in mirror are closer than they appear

Similarly, anger unexperienced seems larger than it is. It’s kind of like the monster under the bed.  When you get down on your knees and look it straight

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Polite or Truthful?

Do you ever lie to avoid another’s disappointment? Here’s an example: Instead of saying I don’t want to go to the graduation, you say, "Oh sorry, I have

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Embracing Complexity

We are nuanced and complicated creatures.  And of course, so are the situations we are in and create.  Have you ever noticed that often people with the strongest,

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Are you judging from the sidelines?

We are nuanced and complicated creatures.  And of course, so are the situations we are in and create.  Have you ever noticed that often people with the strongest,

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