What have you left unsaid

words left unspoken go off to scream deep inside us.- Christian BobinIt is quite an evocative idea.  The one edit we would make to this sentence is that

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Who in your life could use your ears now?

We often think of ourselves as the main character in life.  Everything is revolving around us afterall…We tend to think more about the things that we need to say,

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Which question do you want to answer?

For many of us, there are questions we loathe being asked.  Whether it’s just in daily life or we’re going to a party at work, a family event, or

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Polite or Truthful?

Do you ever lie to avoid another’s disappointment? Here’s an example: Instead of saying I don’t want to go to the graduation, you say, "Oh sorry, I have

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Sorry: Do you mean it?

Have you ever said “I’m sorry” as a way to avoid truly taking responsibility for a wrong-doing?   Throw away lines don’t belong in our relationships.  They create

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Enough Compromising

The conventional approach to compromise is that it is a necessary component for healthy relationships.  The usual line is: To have a good relationship, you need to compromise.

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The other day I was at lunch with two friends who were working something out that was of so little consequence, it could barely even be called an

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What does your bark mean?

For those of us with dogs, we know the difference between a bark to alert us to something compared with a bark to get us to pay attention

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Do you have something challenging to communicate?

The other day we came across something Seth Godin said, "Communication is a process, not an event."  Well said. Too often we wipe our brow after a challenging communication

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Do you have something to say?

What do you do at the times when you know you have something to say, but you can’t figure out what it is.  This might be when you

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