Remember when we started the series of emails about context and we told you there was going to be a plot twist? Well, we’ve arrived at the plot twist (cue dramatic music!).
Let’s do a brief recap. We create context by defining ourselves and knowing our intention at all times. When you create your context, you give the daily to-do’s of your life greater meaning and importance and therefore increase the likelihood of experiencing more satisfaction and well-being. You can re-read those emails from the list on the right.
We’ve gone on and on about the importance of creating your context (defining yourself), BUT sometimes your context is just another limitation.
What!?! You’ve gone on and on about creating context and now it’s a limitation!! Sorry, but we did warn you. Your context can be another dreaded box you think inside of. It can keep you small and rigid. Context can be horribly limiting when you look at it from this angle.
It’s critical to keep expanding your context and not be limited by it. You are the one creating your context...and you might not be the most reliable resource at all times. You can’t set it and forget it. The you that determined your context yesterday, is not the you that woke up this morning. When we forget that, we get stuck in a rut and feel unsatisfied, unrealized, and varying shades of miserable.
At Workability, we don’t subscribe to one-size-fits-all solutions or answers. The work we do depends on the partnership we create with our clients. We’ve remained a small organization with dedicated clients for this reason. All the work that we do is intended to help you remove self-imposed and less than conscious limitations and express what is most important to you. The conversations we engage in to explore this are complex and nuanced. We can't simply say, “create your context”...because while in one sense that could transform your life, in another sense that could drastically limit you and keep you peddling away on a hamster wheel producing nothing more than exhaustion.
It’s one of the reasons why we have stayed off the internet and kept our business face-to-face (or phone-to-phone at this point). It is very challenging to post helpful pieces of wisdom online, because the wisdom is not in the words it is in how it is said, when it is said, the degree of vulnerability present, and ultimately how it is heard.
We are dedicated to doing deep work with our clients. We’ve been doing this for over 40 years and we’ve seen loads of quick fixes come and go. Thanks for joining us as we challenge ourselves to attempt deep conversations over the internet. More to come!
To plot twists and never getting too comfortable,
~ The Workability Team