What does it take to realize your intention?

Q: What does it take to create happiness, well-being and peace in our lives?  A: The right intention and the right conditions for that intention.  There is an

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Who in your life could use your ears now?

We often think of ourselves as the main character in life.  Everything is revolving around us afterall…We tend to think more about the things that we need to say,

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Are you good at solving your friend’s problems?

Why are we so much better at solving our friend’s problems than our own?  Well, one obvious reason is just that we think we are good at it.  When we offer our

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Which question do you want to answer?

For many of us, there are questions we loathe being asked.  Whether it’s just in daily life or we’re going to a party at work, a family event, or

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The human drop it command!

All dog owners know the importance of the command, “drop it.”  When well-trained, a dog will drop whatever it has in its mouth upon hearing those words.  

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Are you making the right decision?

We all want to make the right decisions; that’s obvious.  But sometimes the way we approach decisions actually gets in the way.  Case and point, struggling over what

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Can you hold in a sneeze?

Have you ever been caught off guard by a sneeze?  There’s nothing you can do to stop it.  Whereas when you sense a sneeze coming you can do

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Are you sabotaging your own promises?

Last week we talked about promises and some of the things that eat away at our ability to produce our intended result.  Typically, the intention behind our promise

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Are your shortcuts limiting you?

Our brains have an amazing ability to quickly work out the easiest way to do something.  That’s why we always see the corners of grass trampled where people

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Is it possible to stop feeling guilty?

Let’s talk about feeling guilty - that nasty, miserable, nagging feeling that we are so often trying desperately to avoid.  Feeling guilty usually (but not exclusively) shows up

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