Hurry up!

Are you always looking to get to the next thing?  There are a lot of folks in that camp.  We get so busy in our minds getting to

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When did we start taking pride in being able to do many things at once?  In fact, it is MUCH more difficult to do one thing and only

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Do you think you’re going too slow?

We recently got a puppy so please expect a lot of dog training metaphors over the next few months!  The other day we heard a trainer say, “if

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Do you know when to raise your sail?

Think about yourself like a sailboat.  You can have your sails up or down.  Most of us have been trained to keep our sails down because someone might

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Can you do nothing?

Somewhere along the way we heard that Bill Watterson said that when he works, it never looks like it.  For him, working was staring up at the clouds

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What’s your relationship to your to do list?

Is life a process or a series of results?  Most of us would say "it’s a process," because we are smart enough to realize that that’s the "right"

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I was recently reminded that my intelligence, my abilities, and my performance all go down by an uncomfortable percentage every time I convince myself that I can multitask. 

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