Another Frame on Reframing

Reframing has had a great press agent recently.  And it should.  For generations this simple wisdom has been passed down to us from our grandmothers who have just

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What does resistance cost you?

If you’ve ever wondered why it is that we go on and on about the importance of feeling your feelings, the reason behind it is a bit sneaky.

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How do you look at your garden?

Have you ever noticed that when you’re walking around your own yard you tend to notice all the flaws?  You notice how that rose bush isn’t blooming as

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Declaring vs. Exploring

Have you noticed that when you are frightened, you make more declarative statements? For example: I’m lost I can’t do this  They will never understand me  It’s hopeless

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The risks in being an expert

When we step into a world that we think we know, one where we consider ourselves an expert, we are sometimes blind to the bias this creates.  If

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How do you lift a box?

We’ve all seen the signs showing us the best way to lift a heavy box.  We are meant to bend our knees and keep our back upright, not

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Do you know when to raise your sail?

Think about yourself like a sailboat.  You can have your sails up or down.  Most of us have been trained to keep our sails down because someone might

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Your life is an occasion, rise to it

There is a wonderful dialogue about life hidden in the movie, Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium.  We can't share the whole dialogue here, but we want to share with

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Can you dare not to judge?

How willing are you to be in the process of growing?  To be between where you were and where you want to be?  If you are interested in

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How to be the most interesting person in the room

If you want to be the person at the party who always has something to say and is never at a loss for words, be interested.  The most

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