You give power to what you resist

I want you to imagine for a moment that I am standing in front of you with my hands raised, palms facing you.  Now place your palms on

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Don’t mistake control with stability

For stability you need flexibility. Think of a tree that can bend with the wind.  If the tree tried to control the wind by pushing back and standing

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Are you a good proofreader?

We’ve all heard, you can’t proofread your own work.  This month we have talked a lot about the distinction between consciousness and thinking (read more here and here).

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Why we get stuck

Recently, we again came across the tragic story of the two Boeing 737 plane crashes.  It sparked an important conversation that we want to share with you.According to

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The difference between consciousness & thinking

Have you ever thought, "This is a bad idea, but I’m going to do it anyway…"  or "I know I shouldn't say this, but…" That is your thinking

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Are you tired of hearing about purpose?

A great way to live a life without purpose is to put a huge amount of pressure on yourself to have purpose.  We hear it a lot, that

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Should we all aspire to be more disciplined?

There’s three camps.  Those who complain that they don’t have any discipline, those that aggrandize themselves for having lots of discipline, and those that never even think about

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Are you too busy to be ALIVE?

Are you too busy chasing it to realize you already have it? In Buddhism, there is something called enlightened "aimlessness."  To the Western mind, this is close to

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Is ‘let it go’ good advice?

If you’ve been keeping up with the newsletters this month (read them here and here), you know the “secret” to de-stressing is "letting it be."  There’s another phrase that seems

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Stress: Loosen the reins

We left you last week with the question: Why is it so hard to objectively observe your own thoughts? Here’s the answer: Because most of us believe that our thinking is reality.  We

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