This is a quick reminder that your relationships need tune-ups. Not because they are damaged, but to keep them healthy. You don’t neglect your car until it breaks
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This is a quick reminder that your relationships need tune-ups. Not because they are damaged, but to keep them healthy. You don’t neglect your car until it breaks
Have you ever tried to hold onto a watermelon seed? It is wet and slippery, yet hard. It tricks you into thinking you can control it if you just
When we are in the waiting room we are focused on getting to what’s next. Think about how you are when you travel."How long until we can board
The only boat that doesn’t make waves is the one moored at the dock, going nowhere. It’s a very simple and good reminder that we could all use
Have you ever gotten an email that you read, marked unread, and then thought about for days, even weeks, because you just don’t know how to respond?The next
Years ago we created a participation scale for some workshop or another...after forty years we have a lot of great ideas just laying around waiting to be picked
Let's start with a Joke: A duck walks into a bar wearing one shoe and orders a beer. The bartender asks him, "hey, did you lose a shoe?
This phrase hit us anew this weekCome.....To.....Your.....Senses What a great piece of advice, hidden in this hackneyed phrase. We are sense beings. We perceive the world through our senses.
"It" usually goes away without saying. We would like to be at the vanguard of changing this phrase for good. How about: It goes better with saying.Here’s a
Have you ever argued that someone else caused your upset? For example, they said something or they did something that CAUSED you to be upset. You might have